Tuesday, September 30, 2008

WOW! A whole month...

It is strange to think that I haven't attempted posting in a month. Usually I'm pretty good with this stuff.
Unfortunately, I've become employed, so that cuts my half time into quarters. That means I had half a life with school, but now, alas, I only possess a quarter-life, thanks to work.
Oh well, work is good.

So, I work at Sam's work, erm, we work together, in a way, although the bakery is farther from the cashier's registers than I thought, the point remains. Whenever I get a pineapple through my till, I have no option but to think of my sweet, succulent lack of pineapple baby. Today is a Tuesday, and as such, I shall try to arrange with Sam a pick-up time for pineapples. However, I suppose it would be better to first acquire the necessary equipment in order to house said pineapple baby...

Good news! Sam has moved back into her house. It suffered water damage while she and her family were away on vacation, but now, they've returned! So, pineapple equipment-buying can proceed any time now.

Happy, happy days.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Don't read this; it's depressing.

Well, as you've read, I managed to coerce Sam into this taste-y madness. We want to follow the example already given and buy our pineapples on a Wednesday, to celebrate Deb and Alita(A&D)'s sacrifices, allowing themselves to be bound into parenthood. We discussed how we could go about scheduling ourselves so that we could purchase our pineapples on the same day, perhaps together (something A&D were, sadly, unable to do).
Unfortunately, this Wednesday, tomorrow, I have an appointment scheduled to have my wisdom teeth removed. After getting some sweet, sweet Novocaine, they'll rip the four buggers out, and I'll have sweet release from their hateful stabs of pain. So who knows, between the nerdy goings-on that Sam and I have, plus school, in addition with my orthodontic appointment, when we'll find the time to find our beautiful, succulent pineapples.

Happy pickings!
Kat, eventual mom o' Samapple.

Monday, September 1, 2008

pineapple ponderings...

So, pineapple babies.... an interesting concept. I admit when I first read Kat's post I was more than a bit confused. But it should be a fun bonding experience.... for the pineapples, if no one else. Whether or not I can find enough narrative about the soon to be pineapple babies to fill a blog is yet to be seen, of course...

According to Kat, the pineapple from which we cut the top to make the baby is the 'father'.... and then we eat it.
I can't help but compare us to black widow spiders in this instance. Or 'praying mant-eyes', as Kat puts it.
It's a pretty bizarre concept, really. If someone had asked me just yesterday if I would ever have a baby with a pineapple, I would have said, "No way, man. You're crazy." I might just worry about mine and Kat's sanity, if we weren't already crazy. Hence, this blog.

Ah well, with any luck, I suppose we shall shortly be the proud parents of a pair of pineapple papooses.

Sam, the apparent future parent of one Katapple