Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Why, Samapple! As I live and breathe..

(Or rather, as she lives and breathes..)
YAY! I have some amazing news that I honestly could not withhold from all o' ya'll: I found my soul mate, my pineapple for life, even.

And then I ripped it's head off.

I also had to remove it's leaves after I severed it's top.

I was also preparing to go to work, which explains the shirt. Anyway!
After a lot of gory goodness, and a massive amount of lost juice on the part of my soul mate, I finally extracted the juicy, gooey center. I must admit that I went a little knife happy.

So, naturally, I just had to take a taste. I didn't know soul mates tasted so good. If I ever find another one, they had better beware. You've borne witness to this. I was sad to eat it though.

In any case, I tucked what will become my Samapple away in a nice, dark, quiet cupboard.
That's what I was so excited about, and, well, I should be! And so should you! Granted, it's really, really cold out, and white, for that matter. But that should make us even more excited!
Why, you ask?
Well, because the snow is now. And what comes after the snow? After the storm? The sun! And we need to rejoice, because then we can place all of our [insert name here]apples out in the glorious sun!

Wow, imagine this: Snow. Falling from the sky, as I'm writing this. I shall give you an image to assist.
You can even see the wee snow-flakes. So fun.
Any how, until next time, my avid readers, I shall post updates on how Samapple is doing (if only such good reports could be made of Katapple, sniff).

Later days,
Kat, proud mudder o' Samapple.

1 comment:

Alita said...

wooties, welcome to life, samapple!! i'm sure u have a wonderful, loving mother :)

and grats kat, for becoming mother :O

hope to read a lot about ur lil baby soon, have a nice christmas ^^
